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Auto 66
Car and Truck Dealers Used in Hamilton, Waikato area
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Our address
121 Greenwood Street,
Waikato, North Island,
Our phone(s)
07 847 6646
07 8474643
021 406901
Our fax
07 847 4643
Our website
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The shopping hours and days of the business Auto 66 are:
Open Now
: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Really great experience
“Mark is a friendly professional dental technician. I am thrilled with the work he did on my partial plate. So natural and given me back a big broad smile. 100 % recommend him. 👌”
Great plasterer -this site is a scam
“Darrin and his team are great plasterers. Shame this site is a scam baiting exercise to con/bully tradesfolk into paying to list with them by posting fake bad reviews.”
“why cannot you put your email address on your site my pc will not send to the form that comes up so frustrating!”
Mal-addressed mail recieved
“No discernable web presence for return / followup - odd ?”
“Jayne was so nice when we first met but on my actual wedding day she was miserable, hardly smiled & missed important photo's that can never be taken again. Think twice before getting her to capture your special day.”