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Autism New Zealand
General Business in Palmerston North area
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Our address
248 Broadway Ave,
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 357 7846
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“Great service, & good clean shop, the food however was terrible, had a few chips & they were ok at best... I would have lived with them, but just one bite of the potato fritters I had ordered was enough...the rest went in the bin. Not expecting perfection here but its not hard to make fair to average takeout that wont land you a bad review.”
“Don't trust Michael Smith as he is a trickster & a con-artist.He makes up completely fabricated stories & tells you want you want to hear - from some sick sense of satisfaction? Or just to be evil? ”
Best coffee ever! our
“Just had to buy the beans after trying the coffee in a lovely wee cafe in Terau. I have almost finished my packet of plunger ccoffee and dont want to drink any other brand so trying to order some on line!”
Always brilliant, efficient, caring svc.
“Family have been going to Denise for years. Very caring with our elderly. Always receive efficient, professional, top quality service. I now live putside of ak, i still go to Denise. Highly recommennd Denise for Podiatry services and advice.”
“How hard is it to mow a lawn? Just get this bloke in and you will see. He gets paid to do it and dose a very bad job”