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Assemblies of God in New Zealand
General Business in Auckland area
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15 Accent Dr,
New Zealand
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09 299 9394
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Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Reaction to Anon written on 14/03/2022
“Its a shame you didn't add your name to your comment, as I dont believe you were a visitor who just popped in. More likely one of the Toxic Persons that Management removed from the property. I am a permanent and yes the camp has had it problems, but we came here like others accepting the camp as it was and we are all still here. We are all good respectable people. Council is making regular checks.”
“Don't trust Michael Smith as he is a trickster & a con-artist.He makes up completely fabricated stories & tells you want you want to hear - from some sick sense of satisfaction? Or just to be evil? ”
Good service
“always quick and on time. WIlling to work with what best suits.”
Rude and expensive
“Bruce Moroney is rude, unhelpful and overpriced. They do no stick the quotes given given. Bruce is incredibly condensing when dealing with women.”