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Ariki Lodge Motel
Motels and Lodges in Paraparaumu, Wellington area
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Our address
4 Omahi Street,
Wellington, Kapiti Coast, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 293 6592
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Our website
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Services offered since 2006
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Waikanae, Kapiti
Payment options
Diner's Club, Personal Cheques, MasterCard, Travellers Cheques, Money Orders, American Express, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Cash, V
Additional info
Museums, Beach, Art Galleries, Swimming Pool, Spas, Kitchens, Microwave Ovens, Ironing Boards, Heaters, Cots, Coffee Makers, Alarm Clocks, Laundry
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Ariki Lodge Motel are:
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“Been visiting Annie's for several years when in Greymouth, great none rushed mature service, always have fun and enjoyment, great friendly company, goes the extra mile to give total satisfaction ”
Amazing service in Dannevirke
“Went in to purchase a new washing machine as ours had broken. Delivery was free even though we live rural and about 2 hours later I was washing my first load. Such a great team in Dannevirke.”
“Why do they hide their details??? How come they do not respond to any calls? Definitely a 0 Star Review”
The owner over charged me
“My cat was originally booked from 06/05/22 from 4.10pm to 29/05/2022 0945hrs. I encountered unfortunate circumstances and returned home earlier. I called then went to pick my cat up and was then charged the whole day 06/05/22 when my cat was not clocked in till 4.15pm and charged for the full day today 15/05/2022, when my cat was picked up at 0945hrs. When challenged excuse after excuse was made by the owner that cat cage was booked all day Friday and yet told to go in at 4.10pm. Load of crap!!!”
“Was charged for PPE gear and over the quoted price of $50.00. Asked for the invoice to be resent but never got a reply Lucky someone else could access it. Would I use this company again.. no 👎 ”