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AnnieKim's Cafe
Cafes in New Plymouth area
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Our address
8 Egmont St,
New Plymouth
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 759 4150
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in New Plymouth, New Plymouth Area
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Additional info
City Centre, Art Galleries, Sea, Bus Stops, Shopping Malls, Brunch, Lunch, English, Iced Drinks, Tea, Juice, Coffee
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business AnnieKim's Cafe are:
Closed now
Opens in 13 Hr 11 Min
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Not good.Had one nurse change a dressing
“and another nurse who spoke to me for about 5 minutes - Total cost - $56 dollars - unbelievable - will not go again.”
HIghly recommended
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“These guys are fantastic, I had an Accident in my mustang and these guys made such an incredible job of repairing it, attention to detail and finish was perfect. In fact I think it’s better than befor”
“In my 35 yrs building I have never seen such shoddyThis company needs to be taken to fair go. Total cowboys. Stay away from randle house movers. 245 for a wrecked house that won't pass building code. ”
Greg's a pedophile
“Greg followed me home as a child ,blocked me from talking to my mother greg I'm gna get my time if pulling ur ship takes me down I get happy”