Anna Capri Trains and Models
Hobby Supplies in Feilding area
Model railway trains and models
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Our address
27 Derby S Feilding
Manawatu, North Island
New Zealand
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Services offered since 2013
Products, Model Railway supplies, HO scale , Locomotives , Rolling Stock, SceneryVehicles
Expertised in Hobby Supplies
Model railway locomotives, rolling stock, track, buildings, accessories, spare parts, vehicles and scenery
Areas serviced
New Zealand
Payment options
Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Personal Cheques, VISA
Additional info
Model Cars, Model Trains, Crafts,
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Anna Capri Trains and Models are:
Today: 24 hr
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About Anna Capri Trains and Models
We supply a large range of HO scale model railway equipment including locomotives, rolling stock, spare parts, accessories, track, buildings, vehicles, scenery and more. Our brands include Walthers, Atlas, Bowser, Athearn, Roundhouse, Peco and much more. We also have a wide range of used stock
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Too many mistakes in mail delivery
“Some of mails getting delivered in another mail box..and found my mails open quite often.. so it's a breach!NOT AT ALL PLS WITH DXMAIL!”
A bully
“After 25 years working at height I've not seen such a bully. This coupled with the questionable safety practices that the guy climbing carried out mean I would not use this company. I'm sure he gives a good price and gets the job done but nobody deserves to be treated as we watched this guy treat his ground guy today, it was disgusting.”
“I'm the owner of A1 ... Those customers that noticed one star for not cleaning up after my self what lie's. I never leave a mess, I only leave it if the owner tells me to leave it that there happy to clean up. I try my hardest and give 100 percent to my customers.”