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Allscape and Commercial
Concreting Contractors in Picton, Marlborough area
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Our address
12A George Street,
Marlborough, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
021 105 6423
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Opens in 9 Hr 20 Min
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Waste my time
“don't recommend this company, very disgusting service. The company owner came on site drunk and wasted my work time by applying more services which we don't need. Please use another company”
Great Boutique
“I love Alexanders Boutique. My hair looks so much better after visiting her shop. Makes you feel good.”
Worst Service Ever
“Clippa Bags are absolutely hopeless. Either very late with pick ups or don't pick up at all. Unreliable billing. Often charge for services that were not delivered. Avoid Clippa Bags like the plague. You will only be disappointed and frustrated.”
Ripped off
“Shortland St to Kingsland Thu night taxi far cost $43 when usually $20 to $25. Not recommended.”