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Alcoholics Anonymous
Medical and Health Services in Wellington area
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Our address
138 Wakefield Street,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our fax
+64 4 472 4251
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
Health Consultants, Medical and Health Services
Expertised in Medical and Health Services
Counselling, Pain Management
Additional info
Women, All Ages, Families, Men, Children, Seniors, Adults, By Appointment, New Patients Welcome
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Alcoholics Anonymous are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“From the media she seems like a condensing entitled piece of shit”
It is a scam
“I bought some stuff of these guys and got n othing, the phonenumbers did not work and no one responded to the emails. not happy”
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