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Insurance Agents and Brokers in Paraparaumu, Wellington area
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Our address
1 Ihakara Street,
Wellington, Kapiti Coast, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 902 7000
0800 438 238
09 525 4760
Our fax
09 571 2397
Our website
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Insurance Agents and Brokers
Risk Management, Retirement Planning, Investments
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Paraparaumu, Kapiti
Additional info
Vehicle Insurance, Travel Insurance, Trauma Insurance, Life Insurance, KiwiSaver, Home Insurance, Health Insurance, Group Insurance, Disability Insurance, Contents Insurance, Business Insurance
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business AdviceFirst are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“A clean light & easy browse shop with an amazing selection of magazines. Also some lovely gift ideas..AND, NO PONG is found here..an excellent natural underarm product..the best! Friendly staff! 5☆”
Disgusted in this company
“It is with disgust that i've learned you supported the "dawn raids" at parliament this morning. Your actions will embolden violence against innocent and vulnerable people, who is asking a government to listen to them. It is shameful that working class people working for Hammond will sell their souls to a government who is undermining their own people.”
“was querying the lady for a delivery in the am. got call in the pm telling not doable. I was trying to explain her understandings were not what I asked for. She insist I was wrong then hung up on me.”
Worst clean
“From blaming me for not completing clean to being late to substandard service. Would not recommend”