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Addline Transport Limited
Contractors General in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty area
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Our address
9 Prince Avenue,
Bay of Plenty, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 542 4693
Our fax
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Services offered
Contractors General, Transport Operators
Expertised in Contractors General
Excavations, Site Clearing, Construction, Grading, Landscaping, Land Development,
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Welcome Bay, Tauranga Area
Additional info
Driveways, Drains, Footpaths, Roads, Subdivisions, Driveways, Foundations, Car Parks, Trucks
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Addline Transport Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 2 Hr 9 Min
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Judging, unaccepting, blaming.
“I really would not want anyone to have the same experience I did with this lady. She made blatant assumptions and judgments, accused me, and had little-to-no care for me or my wellbeing. Oh and she cut the appointment short as family were popping over.”
“Dawn journeyed life with us and caught all five of our boys. Our last were twins and because of her experIence I was able to birth them naturally. Dawn is a warm caring woman with a wealth of experience. She is professional and was an amazing advocate at a time when I was feeling vulnerable.”
“Recently visited from Taranaki and enjoyed every minute in this shop. The service Lynne gave was so helpful. A must visit business.”
Outstanding service
“Very caring an helpful going above and beyond”
Terrible service
“Appalled with how I was spoken to by two staff members over the phone. They were so rude and completely cut me off. I would not recommend.”