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Active Cleaning 2013 Limited
Cleaners Commercial in Nelson area
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Our address
22 Green Street,
South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
021 433 843
07 378 2465
Our fax
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Services offered
Cleaners Commercial
Expertised in Cleaners Commercial
Water Blasting, Rubbish Removal, Polishing,Office cleaning service
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Clive, Flaxmere, Hastings, Havelock North, Napier Area, Onekawa Napier, Onekawa
Additional info
Motels, Hospitals, Home Offices, Walls, Hardwood Floors, Ceilings, Residential, Institutional, Educational, Commercial, Vacuums, Shades, Rugs, Ovens, Office Furniture, Carpet
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Active Cleaning 2013 Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about Active Cleaning 2013 Limited
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“Dave is one of the best digger operators i have used over the last 50yrs. Highly recommended”
“Absolutely awesome service. Very pleased that I found Simon and his crew online and will be letting others know of this service too. Job well done.”
“If you want someone that cares for your pregnancy and the care of your newborn baby then I would NOT recommend Kerry Martin. She is not someone that you can rely on when you have a concern. ”
WOW, that was Great!!
“Excellent Service, Great Young Lady, Very Experienced in Providing Pleasure, Clean and Very Tidy Premises!! I Look forward to Returning Soon!! Just Need Longer Opening Hours!! Thanks Robert!!”