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AG Contract Fencing
Fencing Contractors in Ashburton, Canterbury area
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Our address
Canterbury, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
027 249 1828
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Services offered since 2013
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Expertised in Fencing Contractors
Construction, Design, Maintenance, Installation, Repairs
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Ashburton, Ashburton Area
Additional info
Wood, Residential, Commercial, Barbed Wire, Fences, Gates, Security Fences, Boundary, Security, Barbed Wire
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business AG Contract Fencing are:
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“If it wasn’t for Marilyn’s clear, creative, warm and very supportive counseling, I would be a different person. I have done Psychodrama, personal counseling, playback theatre and weekend workshops. ”
“I deeply respect this person. He is a god-sent with a very large impressive package. Made me feel much better straight away”
“playing music extremely loud and has no respect for other neighbours ”
“I would never use this company, I was verbally abused by the two delivery guys as I asked them to move the truck which was parked a metre over the entrance of a driveway. Feel for their poor client.”
“Dont go here, Dont buy Holden Spares off Him as they will Be non tested and he will refuse to talk to you when it is faulty. Anger problem is understatement”