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ACO Limited
Drainage Supplies in Auckland area
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Our address
6 Percival Gull Place,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 815 9500
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Services offered
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Additional info
Pipe Fittings, Culverts, Cisterns, Fittings, Float Valves, Septic Tanks, Drains, Cesspools, Aluminium Pipe, Gas Valves, Pipes, Drainage Systems, Integrated Pipe, Effluent Systems, Commercial Accounts
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business ACO Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 6 Hr 47 Min
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Poor Customer Service
“Very rude, abrupt, would talk over me and hung up when I asked for a time to drop car in.”
My close friend was there
“Absolutely appalling, no engagment with famly or updates on her health, 3 admissions to hospital due to lack of nursing expertise and diagnosis. No notification to family re these incidents. Wouild never recommend it, in fact have posted on Facebook to Dun edin citizens never to use this facility, this was backed up by audits reports and written in such a way that it would not be deemed slanderous or libelous in any way.”
Passing of Bruce.
“Bruce died in 2015 so how someone can give a review in 2020 I'm not sure but perhaps the reviewer is in the same place as Bruce !”