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AA Fibreglass Limited
Fibre Glass in Dunedin, Otago area
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Our address
70 David Street,
Otago, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 455 6355
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Our website
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Services offered since 1985
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Fibre Glass
Restoration, Consulting, Customising, Design, Laminating, Alterations, Repairs, Cleaning
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Caversham, Dunedin
Payment options
Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Credit Terms Available, Direct Debit, Personal Cheques
Additional info
Furniture, Cars, Marine Supplies, Mouldings, Boats
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business AA Fibreglass Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 12 Min
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Don't get too ecxited
“Never before have we been cheated and deceived in this way by a company that are dealing with families, with moms, dads, and kids, who just want to find themselves a nice house. Out of the blue, and without any reason at all, Focus Property Management just offered the house to someone else... the next applicant on the list! After everything we did and all our commitments. We were offered the house, we accepted the terms, we received the contract, everything was agreed and settled”
Just believe 🙏
“Neil is a great Tohunga, I have so much Faith & belief in this guy. I always feel like a new person after my session, Realigned, Refreshed & Rejuvenated, you would always go back!”
“I had Darryl make us a Sail Cover for a Young 11 . Service was prompt, product was excellent and he was able to utilise some fittings from other sail cover”
Interesting Place
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