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123 Plus
Gift Shops and Suppliers in Hastings, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
123 Heretaunga Street West,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 870 3434
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Services offered since 2006
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Hastings, Hastings Area
Payment options
Additional info
Phone Orders, Chimes, Flowers, Gift Wrap, Frames, Collectibles, Cards, Toys, Jewellery, Baskets, Cosmetics, Crafts, Cups
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business 123 Plus are:
Closed now
Opens in 2 Hr 50 Min
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“Reg Horner has fixed my wind-up watches and clocks for a few years now and I cant recommend him highly enough. He has moved to Fairley, but I still send my things to him. Thanks Reg :) Diane Lowe”
Thumbs up! A+++
“can’t thank you enough our car is doing great the clicking sounds is gone when you change the oil we thought there’s something wrong with the gear box what a great relief thank you so much especially to sebastiaan, highly recommended worth the travel and works done in less than an hour :) thank you once again!”
Not Recommended
“Tony carried out a site visit end of May 2021, he was to provide a report. Have been waiting 8 months, even though it was promised , I have still not received it. Tony will not reply to emails, phone messages, or answer my calls. Very unprofessional, definitely can not recommend.”